© Thierry Arcand-Bossé
Kidnapping de symbole ( esquisse )
Acrylique sur toile
1,83 x 5,5 m |
Thierry Arcand-Bossé was born in 1976 in Quebec City, where he lives and works today. In his paintings, he explores various aspects of film language. Employing a formal treatment similar to that of the graphic novel and drawing, he stages his subjects, characters and their actions in a manner both realistic and dreamlike. At ORANGE, Arcand-Bossé ravishes the emblem of global entrepreneurial success, the image of a massive capital accumulation made possible by junk food: in short, he kidnaps Ronald McDonald who, for the occasion, takes the form of a clown-like CEO of a multinational corporation. With this work, Arcand-Bossé creates a cynical contemporary fable on the imminent end of the world in which the eradication of the linchpin of a voracious economic system contributes to weakening that system and to creating social chaos. It is as if, by contemplating a painting, we were able to elude this probable catastrophe.
Thierry Arcand-Bossé would like to thank the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec for its financial support.